Our Recipes
Grilled Sea Bream Skewers with Tarator Sauce

Grilled Sea Bream Skewers with Tarator Sauce

Difficulty: Easy

Preparation time: 15 mins

Resting time: 30 mins

For 2 people








    • Skewer picks
    • Saucepan




    1. Cut the fish into cubes. 
    2. In a bowl, combine olive oil, the juice of ½ lemon, zaatar, salt and pepper.
    3. Add the fish and marinate for 30 mins in a cool place.
    4. Cut the bell pepper into small pieces and the remaining ½ lemon into quarters.
    5. Thread fish cubes, pepper pieces, lemon quarters and cherry tomatoes onto skewers.
    6. Grill the skewers on a barbecue for 5 mins.
    7. Place tarator sauce in a saucepan or small bowl.
    8. Drizzle skewers with remaining marinade and spoon tarator sauce over grilled fish. Ready to serve.




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